Sexual Addiction Treatment

Sexual Addiction Treatment Program

West Michigan Counseling Services provides comprehensive out-patient treatment for those exhibiting sexual behavior problems. Research indicates that sustainable recovery is a long term process and experts recommend a treatment plan that extends up to 5 years* (Patrick Carnes, 2001). As a result, we offer a wide variety of treatment options beyond simply breaking the power of an addiction and move toward restoration and intimacy in relationships.

The framework for lasting change is developed in group and individual therapy. There is compelling research indicating that a combination of group and individual therapy sessions is most affective.  Couples counseling and family therapy is often a key component of recovery as well.  Additionally, we hope to involve those in your life who are invested in your treatment. This may be a parent, accountability partner, pastor, or close friend. At your
discretion, we will meet with the important people in your life to provide education and advice as they support you in your recovery.

There are other creative opportunities for you to engage in treatment here at WMCS. The One Week Intensive program is an affective way to “jump start” your treatment. We will periodically offer weekend retreats and other learning initiatives. Additionally, our optional polygraph service is a good way to build trust with loved ones as you confirm full disclosures and verify your continued abstinence.

One Week Intensive:

The One Week Intensive program is designed for couples in crisis and will provide a foundation for treatment.  Over the course of a week, clients will receive the following services:

  •  Psychosexual assessment (2 face to face hours)
  • Personality testing (1 hour)
  • 2 individual therapy sessions
  • Sexual history polygraph exam
  • 2 couples counseling sessions

At completion of the program, participants will receive:

  • A copy of the assessment for future treatment providers
  • Treatment recommendations
  • The disclosure assignment completed by the client.
  • A copy of the sexual history polygraph exam.